FC List Callers 0.4 - Utility for FirstClass administrators creates text file lists of FirstClass users, logon name and last logon date sorted by date of last call, last name and logon name in addition to a text file list of all user resumes sorted by last name. Compiled 11/18/91.
FC LogScan 1.0.2.cpt 35112
FC LogScan 1.0.2 - Utility which analyzes FirstClass daily logs to produce a summary report in a concise and readable format. Compiled 3/3/92.
FC Price List(07/92).cpt 876
FirstClass pricelist from July 1992 (so you can see how much you could have paid) :-)
FICN Editor Resources.cpt 3220
FICN editor resources for FirstClass BBS admins
FirstClass Client 2.0.4.sit 236453
Enduser (client) software for logging onto FirstClass BBS systems
FirstClass Office.cpt 1065
FirstClass BBS post office sysop utility
FirstClass User 1.66.cpt 210399
An early version of the the FirstClass client (user) software -> Version 1.66
FirstClassBBS Demo.cpt 320056
Demo of FirstClass BBS
Geneva 10ptFnt (For FC).cpt 2439
New font for FirstClass BBS
ICON <-> FICN.cpt 4211
Convert ICON resources to FICN so FirstClass can use them
INTERNET.LINK1.cpt 34209
Learn how to link your FC BBS to the Internet
public FC systems 0992.cpt 7108
FirstClass Public BBS information and modem numbers, updated 09/92
SerPort Reset.cpt 1771
Serial Port reset utility
TSC settings.cpt 2764
A sample FC BBS setting file
Update1.04.cpt 6237
Program that can be used to send out FirstClass client software updates to your members.
What is FC?.cpt 1525
What is Firstclass? describes the new GUI (graphic user interface) BBS system FirstClass.